11 March 2013

Back at it again

Well, it's been quite some time since I sat at a computer and wrote about stitching.  We had a grandson join our family (actually, there should be a step in front of that for me, but that doesn't mean a thing to me unless someone is misbehaving, or someone is kind enough to tell me I look too young to be a grandmother), said goodbye to my faithful four-legged child, Emily, and picked up a canvas again - not necessarily in that order, but that is fairly accurate.  The canvas did go up and down a few times, just not as much as the past couple of weeks.

Having a new little boy in the house from time to time is exciting.  It helps me look at the world in a different light, see things like I'm seeing them for the first time.  It's a lot of work to follow him around and make sure he is safe, but I just can't stand the thought of not letting him explore anything safe he wants to explore.  Now that he is 13 months, almost 14 months old, he is running around and is quite the chatterbox.  Since he likes to get into everything, feel textures, bang on hard object, and the like, it means that I have to keep my stitching well out of reach.  I have to pick up everything like I'm going home from one class only to start another the next day.  It does present some issues when I just want to sit and stitch for 30 minutes, because it might take me 30 minutes to get set up comfortably. 

Don't get me wrong, I want my grandson to be at the house as much as possible, so I am willing to do anything I have to.  It's just that I am just now figuring out how to balance life as a young (ahem) grandmother and stitcher.  I'm not ready to start writing any stitch guides yet, but I do feel that urge coming.  My Nutcracker Santa is starting to mumble and I think he will want to be stitched soon.  And that stocking needs to be finished before the 2nd birthday!! 

It was Tony Minieri that pulled me back to the needle.  I took two classes in 2012 and they were Tony's French Ribbons and Slava.  Both of these canvases sing to me, all the time, day and night.  I finally quit ignoring them the week before my guild's Stitchaway in Galveston the first of this month.  When I looked at them, I was shocked that I had so little done on them and sooooo much spaghetti pouring off of the front of my canvas.  I could have sworn that I stitched for four solid days on each of these canvases and there were only very small blobs of colors in each little area/band.  I was so disappointed in myself.  I had to start stitching.  I will post a picture of the progress I made tonight if I think about it.  For now, I will start the commute back to my home, which is now quite the place to be to hear the pitter patter of little feet and canvases singing with joy that they have actually moved around, even if it was just to get a good look at them again.

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